Go Play in the Dirt
Go Play in the Dirt
004 | Reasons to Eat with the Seasons
Numbers do not lie. According to the CDC prior to the pandemic, 51.8% of all US adults have at least 1 pre-existing chronic disease. 30% of all us adults have 2 or more chronic diseases. Today, one out of three Americans is clinically obese which is twice as many as three decades ago.
Quite alarming, isn’t it? And this is due to the fact that our modern lives now equate to an unhealthy lifestyle. Processed food. Poor lifestyle habits. There are so many things that we enjoy but don’t necessarily help our body to function properly.
In this episode I share my #1 tip for optimal health: eat seasonally. Choosing in-season produce has numerous health benefits and supports your local community, environment, and economy.
In this Episode, You’ll Discover
- The state of the overall health of Americans
- Eating for your SOUL: choosing seasonal, organic, unprocessed and local food
- How to go back to the basics with the concept of Ayurveda and Ritucharya
- Five reasons to eat with the seasons:
- Affordability
- Nutrient density
- Taste and quality
- Connection and community
- Supporting the environment
Go Share These Thoughts:
- Choosing in season produce has numerous health benefits and supports your local economy, environment, and community.
- Our modern lifestyle has caused us to lose connection with the soil and what's currently in season.
- Supporting your local farmers and economy is a huge bonus, but also creates a sense of community and connection that we, humans, so deeply crave.
- Eating seasonally will benefit your wallet. It will benefit your overall health. It will benefit your local community and economy, and it will also benefit the environment.
- Eating seasonally is a very tangible tip that the majority of people can add to their daily lives.
Connect with Lauren:
The Go Play in the Dirt Podcast is for educational & entertainment purposes only and not intended to be medical advice. The Go Play in the Dirt Podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of disease. If you have questions about a medical condition, please see your physician or other qualified health provider.